July 2, 2020 e-CR

Commonwealth in Phase Green

Shift to Phase Green: On June 26th, the Commonwealth of PA shifted Montgomery County to Phase Green. LUMC will remain in its current status of closed to all activity until further notice, except for the LiveStream service on Sunday mornings and other approved exceptions made by the Pastor or the Trustees. Once in Phase Green, faithful, prudent, and safe decisions will be announced when applicable. There is no definite timetable for reopening the church in the early portion of Phase Green. In the meantime, please commit yourselves to prayers for all those who have suffered personal and economic losses during the pandemic crisis.  

In recognition of the Independence Day Holiday, the office is closed on Friday, July 3. E-mail and voicemail will not be checked.

It’s simple to access! Click on the YouTube logo above, and you’ll zip to our Lansdale UMC Channel. Next, click on the red SUBSCRIBE button. Then, click on the notification “Bell.” When prompted, click on “All,” and you’ll receive a notification whenever we broadcast live or upload a video to our channel! Easy!


Be sure to go to the “Sunday Worship Resources” tab on our website. In addition to the bulletin and songs for each Sunday, you can now Connect With Us.  We’d like to know that you worshiped with us and how we can serve you.

July’s Mission Emphasis–Laurel House

Laurel House is a comprehensive domestic violence agency serving individuals, families and communities throughout Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. The agency’s name was selected because of the beauty of the laurel, Pennsylvania’s state flower. It represents a victory for people who have taken the courageous first step of reaching out to Laurel House in their efforts to build a violence-free life for themselves and their children. https://laurel-house.org/

You can support July’s Mission Emphasis in three ways: Snail mail your check payable to LUMC, memo: Laurel House in your Blue Envelope or give through www.lansdaleumc.org, click the dropdown menu to find UMCOR Covid-19 or text message your gift to 73256 with the message “LansdaleFirstUMC.” Thank you for your generous support!

A Conversation on Race

Read Bishop Peggy Johnson’s blog on Freedom here.

For more resources on these topics, click here.

Fight for Floyd: Where do we go from here?

On June 1, the Urban Commission offered a two-hour dialogue, with comments by guest participants and also breakout groups, as “an urgent response to current racial violence and injustice in law enforcement.” Nearly 300 people participated. If you’re interested, you can view the recording on the EPAUMC Facebook page by clicking here.Click here to read how the UMC Bishops pledge a more effective anti-racism campaign.

Special Lansdale UMC Collection

Christmas in July – Glad Tidings Christmas Shop

The plan remains to hold the Glad Tidings Christmas Shop on Saturday morning, December 5th at Haws Avenue UMC. If things change with the COVID situation and social distancing, we will have to re-evaluate as we get closer.

We will again have Christmas in July!

As you get out into the stores, please pick up a child’s toy to donate.  We are especially looking for dolls, cars & trucks, and Legos.  Please hold on to these donations until we can again meet in person when we will collect them. Thank you for your kind donations!

UMC Summer Camps Cancelled for 2020

Summer camps at three of the centers–Gretna Glen in Lebanon, Innabah in Spring City, and Pocono Plateau in Cresco–are suspended for the summer. But Carson-Simpson Farm in Hatboro is taking it a month at a time.  Read more here.

Save the Date!

Prayer Requests

Lansdale UMC Children’s Ministry is on Facebook!! 

Watch Miss Liz LiveStream Sunday School each Sunday after worship on this page. She also posts interesting items for our children to watch, read and do throughout the week.  Please join us at: Lansdale UMC Children’s Ministry on Facebook.

Zoom Bible Studies with Pastor Bill

Pastor Bill is leading two weekly Zoom Bible Studies on Tuesday mornings at 10:00 a.m. and Thursday evenings at 7:00 a.m. The four daily readings from the lectionary will be studied each day! Rather than a continuous study of a Bible book, these studies will focus on the daily lectionary readings for each Tuesday and Thursday of the coming weeks. Join both studies if you like, each study will be different each week

To access Zoom on Tuesday morning: Meeting ID: 968 6161 6463; Password: 020706

To access Zoom on Thursday night: Meeting ID: 965 4177 8998; Password: 014790

Zoom Support Group

New Horizons Fellowship

New Horizons will not meet on July 5th. Rejoin us on July 12, when we will begin the study “24 Hours That Changed the World” by Adam Hamilton. Class format is a video followed by discussion. Anyone may attend and notes from previous sessions are available. Email warren1438@gmail.com for invite and / or notes. We meet online using Zoom at 10:00am Sunday morning.

Wesleyan Adult Sunday School Class continues AT HOME

The class has begun a new series of eight sessions based on the book Journey Through the Psalms by Biblical scholar Denise Dombkowski Hopkins. Each week class members receive an e-mail with a link to a short Vimeo to watch online, along with a study guide and related materials.  It is not necessary to purchase the book on which the series is based. All are welcome to join this study. Please contact Verna Colliver if you wish to be added to the e-mail distribution list (vmcolliver@gmail.com).

Are You on Instagram? So Are We!

Click on the logo to follow us

Stay safe and well.
Becky Conrad, Administrative Assistant