Our Mission
*Praising God * *Making Disciples* * Serving All*
Join us for online worship!
Livestreamed on Sundays at 9 am
YouTube: Lansdale UMC
Facebook: Facebook.com/Lansdale-United Methodist Church
300 N. Broad Street, Lansdale, PA 19446
Email: office@lansdaleumc.org
Website: https://lansdaleumc.org
Open Hearts. Open Minds. Open Doors.
The people of Lansdale United Methodist Church welcome you and invite you to find out more about our church community. This church is our foundation from which we move into the world to nurture, witness and reach out to persons and families in the congregation and the community. This is how we continue the earthly ministry of Jesus.
Join us in joyful worship, heartfelt prayer, and a rich experience of faith and work in which we grow in spiritual well-being. Our hearts, minds and doors are open to help you find the saving power of God and to nurture you to be a disciple of Jesus Christ.
Our History
Methodism is considered one of the greatest renewal movements in the history of the Christian church. Founded by English brothers John and Charles Wesley in 1738, our church is based on the Methodist principles of grace through faith expressed in preaching, writing, song, mutual care and outreach to others.
The United Methodist Church formed when the Evangelical United Brethren – a product of religious revival among German speaking populations of Pennsylvania and Maryland at the turn of the 19th century – merged with the Methodist Church in 1968.
The Lansdale Methodist Church was founded in 1871 and was the first church in the borough of Lansdale. Its original site was Third and Walnut and first served a small community that was anchored by the railroad. As the Lansdale area grew, so did the church. By 1919 the present site at Third and Broad streets became our second home to a growing congregation. Today’s church building is a visible sign of our continued presence and support of the community. But it is our members who are the active and outward sign of God’s presence in the world.
Praising God
9:00 am Sunday Worship – rituals, creeds, prayers, monthly communion, and a powerful message you will find applicable in today’s world.
Jr Church – Children ages 3- 4th grade are welcome to attend Jr Church during the worship hour. Parents will bring children to the sanctuary and will be dismissed after the opening songs.
Infant/Toddler Nursery is available to all children ages infants to age 5. Parents are welcome to bring your children to the nursery during the Worship time or during Sunday School. The Worship service will be playing on the monitor so you can allow your little ones to play while you enjoy the service.
Ash Wednesday Communion & Imposition of Ashes
Holy Thursday Tenebrae Service
Easter Service with special music
All Saints Day memorial service
Christmas Eve candlelight services
The Choirs add to the beauty of our worship period. New members are always welcome!
Chancel Choir meets Thursdays 6:45 pm
Grade 10 through adult
Making Disciples
Sunday School for all ages begins at 10:15 am each Sunday morning!
Children’s Sunday School
Ages 4 through 3rd grade – room A 201
Adult classes: 10:15 am
Upper Room Class – meets upstairs in room A 207
New Horizon Fellowship – meets in room A206
Wesleyan Class – meets in the Library
Summer Vacation Bible School
All children from age 4 – grade 6
Confirmation Class
For students in grades 7 – 12
United Women in Faith General meetings periodically. Two circles with in-home and church meetings days and evenings.

The UMM meet periodically during the year and enjoy a 3-day retreat of Christian fellowship, spiritual learning, and mission each November.

Inquirer/New member classes occur throughout the year.
Family fellowship
Covered dish suppers
Easter egg hunt
Advent dinner
Fall Festival
Christmas Family breakfast
Serving All
Mission trips – Local, National and International opportunities.
Monthly Missions also support:

Summer Camp for Children and Adults
Innabah – https://www.innabah.org/
Gretna Glen – https://gretnaglen.org/
Pocono Plateau –https://www.poconoplateau.org/
Carson Simpson House –https://www.csfarm.org/
Community Use of LUMC building
Recovery Groups – AA, NA, GA
Girl Scouts
Laymen Playmen – Christian Community Theater Group