Open Gym Night – October 18
We will be offering an open gym night on the 3rd Friday of each month. Volleyball in Stringer, Dodgeball & other games downstairs, and a video gaming room in one of our classrooms. This is a great opportunity to invite children, youth, and young adults to come, hang out, and have a ton of fun with one another. 6-8:30pm. Donations of snacks and drinks welcomed.
Join us October 18!
Crafters Wanted!
Our 6th Annual Craft Fair will be held in Stringer Auditorium on Saturday, November 2 from 9 AM to 2 PM.
If you are a crafter and interested in participating, please contact Doris Shaedle, (215-692-0667) or Nancy Silknitter, (215-368-4025).
The cost of a table is $20. Registration forms are located on the bulletin board outside of Stringer Auditorium.
You can also email us at Please share this information with your friends and family.
Proceeds from the Craft Fair support our United Women in Faith.
Special Music
We invite you to contribute your musical talents for special music during our services! If you’re interested, please let us know.
Contact: Ruth – Phone (215) 913-0084, Email (
Great News: The Bells Are Ready to Ring Again!
Join us as we revive this beloved tradition and become a part of the excitement as a bell ringer. You don’t have to be an experienced ringer.
We will learn it together. .
July 22-25, 2024
2024 Vacation Bible School
Pathways to Vitality
We have as a church made it through the pandemic and we look forward to revival and more participation in the coming months. To continue offering the church and the community our services and the best selection of activities to do this in the long term, we rely on your feedback.
PATHWAYS TO VITALITY is a small group set up to mobilize this initiative of increasing our Markers of Vitality- which are:
- Worship attendance
- Mission
- Small groups
- New professions of faith
- Giving toward missions
We have been collecting feedback over the past few weeks from the congregation and would like to invite you to participate in our survey to prioritize the activities you have fed back to us on the forms. The participation is anonymous and will take about 2 minutes. However, you also have the option to leave us your contact details at the end of the survey for possible queries.
To complete the simple online questions, please click here. PATHWAYS TO VITALITY (
Thank you for adding your insights.
September Mission Emphasis
The September Missions Blue Envelope emphasis is designated for Oak Park Elementary School. Holiday gifts for needy families will be sponsored for children in elementary school and their younger siblings for 2024. By your donating in September, we will be able to let the school know how many children we can sponsor this year from LUMC. Each child will receive 3 gifts for a total of $75. Names of families are kept confidential, and we will purchase the items or gift cards from the wish lists we receive from the school.
Please help to support Oak Park, our adopted school, with this project again this year and make some local children have a happy holiday.
Lansdale Youth!
We will be starting a youth Sunday School in the fall when Sunday School resumes. If you would be interested in participating and/or helping to lead these amazing youth, please contact
Pastor Marleah (610-295-2885).
Congregational Care Team
Did you know we have a team of people from our congregation who visit shut-ins? This team has been visiting and at times taking communion elements to shut-ins. We currently have fifteen people who are being visited. We would like to invite more people to be part of this visitation team. Contact Pastor Warner or Maryellen Reinmiller if you are interested in being part of this caring team, and would like to know more about this caring ministry.
New Nursery Attendant Search
Church Council and the Staff Parish Relations Committee have approved two new Nursery Attendant positions as we seek to connect with and support families with young children. Nursery attendants will staff the nursery on Sunday mornings during worship and Sunday School. This is a paid position of $60 per Sunday morning. Attendants will also be available for other church functions where children may attend. We are seeking two persons who will share this schedule throughout the year. Please share this information with people you think may be interested. Criminal, Child Abuse, and FBI fingerprint checks are also required. Persons must be 18 or older. Contact Pastor Warner for a job description and application.