
Open Gym Night – January 17

We will be offering an open gym night on the 3rd Friday of each month. Volleyball in Stringer, Dodgeball & other games downstairs, and a video gaming room in one of our classrooms. This is a great opportunity to invite children, youth, and young adults to come, hang out, and have a ton of fun with one another. 6-8:30pm. Donations of snacks and drinks welcomed.

Join us January 17!

Service of Remembrance

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” Matthew 5:4

Sunday, January 12, 2025 9:00 AM Lansdale UMC
Please bring a framed picture of your loved one to be placed on the altar rail.

Disciple Bible Study

Disciple Bible Study.  A 22 week study through the Old and New Testaments. 

Thursdays beginning January 9, 7-8:30pm on Zoom. 

$30 registration includes study guide.  Register at

Lansdale United Women of Faith (UMW)

Lansdale United Women of Faith (UMW) will once again sponsor a collection for canned soups on “Souper” Bowl Sunday, Feb 9, 2025.

We are asking for support from our congregation.

Please bring MEAT based cans of soup to church that Sunday and we will donate them to Manna On Main Street.

It’s always good to watch for sales in the grocery store flyers.

Any questions: Please contact Marilyn Snyder on 267-625-8010.

January Missions Emphasis

January Mission Focus: Manna On Main, a ministry focused on ending hunger in the North Penn Region, providing food, social serviceand educational needs, and community outreach.

Please use the blue envelopes to give that “everyone might be fed.”

Craft Fair Pictures

Special Music

We invite you to contribute your musical talents for special music during our services! If you’re interested, please let us know.

Contact: Ruth – Phone (215) 913-0084, Email (

July 22-25, 2024

2024 Vacation Bible School

Lansdale Youth!

We will be starting a youth Sunday School in the fall when Sunday School resumes. If you would be interested in participating and/or helping to lead these amazing youth, please contact

Pastor Marleah (610-295-2885).

Congregational Care Team

Did you know we have a team of people from our congregation who visit shut-ins?  This team has been visiting and at times taking communion elements to shut-ins.  We currently have fifteen people who are being visited.  We would like to invite more people to be part of this visitation team.  Contact Pastor Warner or Maryellen Reinmiller if you are interested in being part of this caring team, and would like to know more about this caring ministry.

Church Council and the Staff Parish Relations Committee have approved two new Nursery Attendant positions as we seek to connect with and support families with young children. Nursery attendants will staff the nursery on Sunday mornings during worship and Sunday School. This is a paid position of $60 per Sunday morning. Attendants will also be available for other church functions where children may attend. We are seeking two persons who will share this schedule throughout the year. Please share this information with people you think may be interested. Criminal, Child Abuse, and FBI fingerprint checks are also required. Persons must be 18 or older. Contact Pastor Warner for a job description and application.