Pastoral Letter 8 from Bill Lentz

April 22, 2020

Christ is risen!

Our church’s recent online celebration of Easter reminds me that times of disruption, uncertainty, and unfamiliarity do end, and new beginnings emerge. Planning is already underway to ease back to the church in the coming weeks. We will return to familiar spaces, sounds, and sights, but with the experience of the coronavirus along with us as a teacher.

In the meantime, an array of activities while we’ve been in a stay-in-home posture has been remarkable. We’re live streaming worship on Sunday morning, conducting weekly Bible Studies and Sunday School classes by Zoom Meeting, connecting with children through the Facebook LUMC Kids’ Page, contacting our more vulnerable members, and maintaining the temporal life of the church. As the interim pastor, I’ve come to admire the leaders and people of our church through this experience even more profoundly.

I think it’s important to thank all members who have maintained giving to our church throughout this unusual crisis. Almost everyone is aware that LUMC’s been struggling financially for several years. The pandemic’s effects have been widening the gap between income and expenses. And yet, so many of our people have maintained giving, and in many cases, they’ve dug even deeper to offer significant help at this time of the church’s great need.

It’s not our custom to see the church as the object of our charity. We view the church as the deliverer of charity to the hungry, poor, sick, injured, and the lonely. But now the church requires our most exceptional generosity.

To you all, who have given much and done so with incredible stewardship, I say “Thank You!” on behalf of the people and leaders of LUMC. Your contributions are “Keeping Our Ark Afloat!” Yes, the Ark, a ship, is the very ancient symbol of the Christian Church, out there on the waters in calm and in the tempest, being faithful to God’s call to “Go!” You’re doing good work!

If you’d like to give or catch-up with your pledge or intention, there are several ways to achieve that goal: Drop Off Slot on 4th Street, Snail Mail, Realm e-Giving, and Texting LansdaleFirstUMC to 73256. When we’re all in an endeavor together, the critical mass of the church increases to a point where nothing is impossible, especially when we trust in God with all our hearts.         

Christ is risen, indeed!

Interim Pastor Bill Lentz