Christ is risen!
LUMC remains shut down through at least April 30th, but that doesn’t mean the church’s people remain shut down! Ministry is still happening! Here’s what you need to engage in all the incredible opportunities available to you until we meet again!
Sunday Mornings Livestream!
Join the Facebook Livestream at 8:45 a.m. for announcements and music, and 9:00 a.m. for the service broadcast live from our beautiful sanctuary.
Access https://www.face or join us on the website at
Zoom Bible Studies with Pastor Bill
After the phenomenal success of Holy Week Bible Study, two weekly Bible Studies will meet on Tuesday mornings at 10:00 a.m. and Thursday evenings at 7:00 a.m. The four daily readings from the lectionary will be studied each day! Rather than a continuous study of a Bible book, these studies will focus on the daily lectionary readings for each Tuesday and Thursday of the coming weeks. Join both studies if you like, each study will be different each week! Cool!
To access Zoom on Tuesday morning: Meeting ID: 968 6161 6463; Password: 020706
To access Zoon on Thursday night: Meeting ID: 965 4177 8998; Password: 014790
Facebook Page for LUMC Kids
Check out and “Like” the “Lansdale UMC Children’s Ministry” page! Miss Liz is keeping the kids hopping!
We Need Everyone to Understand Where We Are!
On Monday, April 13th, the Pastor’s Cabinet met by Zoom Meeting. In attendance was Paul DeLong, chair of the church council, Paul Bonner, lay leader, Darren Johnson, treasurer, Warren Shaedle, financial secretary, Bob Snyder, chair of trustees, Ed Ingram, chair of pastor-parish relations, and Interim Pastor Bill.
Since the church council could not meet due to current restrictions on social distancing, it was more practical to have the Cabinet meeting. The focus was primarily on first-quarter church finances. As you might imagine, the results are not encouraging.
Actual revenue for January 1 – March 31 is $86,878. The budget expected $103,553. The result is a shortfall of $16,675. The period includes 3 Sundays during Covid-19 restrictions and live streaming worship, which has slowed giving considerably. About $1,200 of the total is catch-up and non-member giving through Livestream appeals. Let’s be grateful! That’s good news! Catching up is good. Regular giving to improve cash flow is even better! Thank you for your generous giving!
Actual expenses during the same period were below budget. That’s good. The disbursements amount to $91,680. Overall, this means the church spent $4,800 more than it received. That’s not good. Although expenses were lower than budgeted, we’re falling farther and farther behind.
The second quarter is within Covid-19 restrictions, of course, which is having a devastating impact on so many people, businesses, and organizations like churches. LUMC usually sees increased giving around Palm Sunday and Easter. Sadly, with all the efforts made to connect and appeal, we fell far short of expectations, which means the church is even farther behind. Indeed, we’re all doing our best under such difficult and trying circumstances. Again, thank you for your generosity so far.
The Pastor’s Cabinet wants you to know that our treasurer, Darren, has on behalf of the church applied for CARES Act monies through our local bank. These monies aim at keeping employees in the church’s employ. We’ve applied for an amount to cover two months of payroll. We are waiting to hear about approval. If we get approval, then 75% of the money must be used for salaries, and then the loan becomes a grant. Stay tuned!
We Need Everyone to Give Generously!
Let’s face facts! The church began 2020 with a looming deficit. Recovering from the past’s difficulties and people leaving the church has been slow and uneven. Pastor’s Cabinet meetings have focused on ways to stabilize finances without taking severe measures. When Covid-19 hit, an unexpected period that’s imaginable in science fiction but not in real life put us all on edge. Fear leads to conservation and protection against scarcity. A scarcity mentality is not for disciples of Jesus Christ. Easter reminds us that with Christ, in Christ, in unity with God the Father and the Holy Spirit, life is abundant even in times of challenge like we’re facing today. When Jesus fed so many people from scraps of bread and fish, his connection to the resources of God’s grace and love was put into action. It’s a lesson for us all.
Will I have enough to be okay? Will I have enough to do what I want, provide for those I love, and enjoy life? How much is enough, exactly? What if I get ill? What if I don’t get a job? Scarcity thinking tends to grow, the more secure we become. The less confident we are, the more interdependent we become, the more we tend to rely on others, share with others, and with God. “Your kingdom come!”
Fear and scarcity are understandable in this pandemic era. We must not let it grip us. After the meal of scraps was eaten, baskets of abundance were collected. That’s what we need everyone to do! Believe through the fear and scarcity and remember to trust in God.
Here’s how you can help your church:
Drive by the church—it’s still there!—and drop your giving in the slot!
Catch-up! Pay ahead, if possible! Put your check in the mail today!
Set up, e-giving! Go to the website at! Hit Giving!
Text LansdaleFirstUMC to 73256 and contribute immediately!
Pray this prayer: “Lord Jesus, help me live abundantly! Help my unbelief!”
Remember to support your church by your prayers, your presence, your gifts, your service, and your witness to the Gospel. Thank you! Christ is risen! Risen, indeed!
Prayers continue,
Pastor Bill