Easter 2 – Comes the Wedding Feast of Heaven
Easter 2 – Comes the Wedding Feast of Heaven
Topic: On the third day - this!
April 19, 2020—Easter 2
…Comes the Wedding Feast of Heaven
1 Peter 1:3-5; John 2:1-11
The Wedding at Cana’s story begins with the words, “on the third day there was a wedding…” Long thought to be the story of Jesus’ first miracle, now the story could be read as an anticipation of the Easter miracle yet to come when the resurrected Jesus “weds” heaven to earth. The New Adam to the New Eve were wedded to bring the Church to life. Incidentally, there is an ancient Eastern Church legend that suggests it was John the Evangelist and Mary Magdalene, who were the couple married that in Cana of Galilee!