Eastern PA UMC Conference Workshops

Academies, workshops, training events, convocations, retreats. The Eastern PA Conference is a vibrant, living organism that survives and indeed, thrives in community as we gather and grow together. Our connectional life is enhanced by these types of learning events and by other gatherings as well: worship and prayer services; concerts, theater, film viewings and other performances; celebrations; picnics; sports and recreation events–the list is endless.

This link will take you to the full Calendar of Events at the EPA UMC website.

Healing from the Trauma of Domestic Violence

October 20 @ 7:00 pm
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

EPA Annual Domestic Violence Seminar: “Healing from the Trauma of Domestic Violence” October 20-21 via Zoom. (Friday 7-9 PM; Saturday 9 AM -12 PM. View and download the flyer. Register


Creating a Culture of Call

October 21 @ 8:00 am
8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Lancaster Theological Seminary invites its United Methodist alumni/ae to gather on campus on Saturday morning from 9:00-11:00am, October 21, 2023, for a special program, Creating a Community of Call, with The Rev. Steve Morton, Leadership Development Manager of the Eastern …LEARN MORE

Dismantling Racism – Level I – Fall 2023

October 27
All Day

October 27 – 29, 2023 DISMANTLING RACISM WORKSHOPS – LEVEL I: This is a 3 day workshop and participation all 3 days is expected. Participants will learn concrete strategies for: Developing skills for addressing and changing attitudes and behaviors that …