United Methodist Men

“Every Man Shares in Evangelism, Mission, and Spiritual Life.”


To Help Men Grow In Christ, So Others May Know Christ.


United Methodist Men shall be a creative, supportive fellowship of men who seek to know Jesus Christ, to grow spiritually and to seek daily his will.

[Our] primary purpose is to declare the centrality of Christ in the lives of men and in all their relationships.

The major concerns are:

  • To encourage knowledge of and support for the total mission of The United Methodist Church social dimensions
  • To engage in evangelism by sharing the fullness of the gospel in its personal and
  • To clarify and speak to the identity and role of men in contemporary society
  • To seek commitment to discipleship
  • To study and become familiar with the United Methodist Church, its organization, doctrines, and beliefs
  • To cooperate with all units of United Methodist Men in obtaining these objectives through district, conference, jurisdiction, and church-wide goals.

Men seeking membership in a local United Methodist Men’s Fellowship shall subscribe to the “Purpose” of United Methodist Men and to these personal objectives:

  • Engage daily in Bible study and prayer.
  • Bear witness to Christ’s way in daily work and in all personal contacts through words and actions.
  • Engage in some definite Christian service

Lansdale UMM

Lansdale UMM meets monthly on the 2nd Saturday of each month at Church for breakfast, meeting and devotionals. The annual UMM Men’s Retreat is held in November at Camp Innabah.

For more info Contact:

All men & friends are welcome – join us sometime!