Missions Annual Giving Tree Appeal
The Giving Tree is up and tagged in Stringer Auditorium Lobby!
The following agencies will be sponsored for 2022 Holiday support:
- Glad Tidings Christmas Shop held at Haws Ave for local families on December 3. (New toys or cash donations only. No gift cards.)
- Methodist Services (Methodist Home for Children) located on Monument Ave in Philadelphia. New toys, books & other, gift cards, or cash donations.
- Laurel House in Norristown. Gift cards or cash only.
Take a suggestion card(s) located on the GivingTree. Purchase items or gift cards and return to our worship service for Dedication Day, Sunday, November 20.
All gift cards must be in a separate envelope and clearly marked with agency name and dollar amount on the card. Cash donations can be in cash or check (Made out to LUMC, Memo: giving tree) or electronic gift donations on Realm.
Gifts must be unwrapped and can be placed in a bag to bring to the alter at the designated time during the November 20 worship service for dedication.
If unable to attend the November 20 service, gifts need to be dropped off in advance to the church office. Items are sorted and delivered soon after Thanksgiving to all agencies.
Let’s make a difference for many families in need as they celebrate 2022 Holidays.
Contact: Barbara Hartmann for any questions: ebhartmann1722@gmail.com