Prayer, the power of prayer, is a dynamic force that can change lives. Or rather, God changes lives through the power of prayer.
Thanks for the outstanding support of the 30 Days of Prayer in September 2021.
Our faithful prayer warriors covered our pastor and our church with prayers for his ministry at LUMC and our church’s mission to Praise God, Make Disciples and Serve All.
We prayed for our friends and neighbors in our community, especially that we build a strong relationship with our neighbors around North Broad St. in Lansdale.
We prayed for Lansdale Borough, the leaders and workers, who are committed to make our community a safe and friendly environment to live, work and commune.
We prayed that our community continues to grow and help all those who need support.
We prayed for food security for many in our community. We prayed for the homeless and those with health issues.
We also prayed for our children who have educational support needs due to their circumstances or brought on by the pandemic.
We prayed for leaders across the county, the state, the nation, and the world to help solve issues regarding health, poverty, crime, racial inequities and our climate.
We prayed for our country that we may be able to live in harmony with one another and the environment and that everyone can enjoy the same rights and freedoms no matter their race, religion, ethnic background or orientation.
And finally, we prayed for our world. We want our children and our children’s children to know that we cared enough to preserve God’s abundant green earth for future generations to enjoy.